Saturday, September 11, 2010

37/101 Make Cupcakes from Scratch

Despite feeling under the weather with a dreadful cold, I decided today was the day for #37. Husband has been begging for chocolate and what better way to deliver than with homemade cupcakes!

I found this recipe on a blog and it sounded wonderful. I decided against the other components for now and I went with the basic chocolate cupcake with mini chocolate chips mixed in. I am using this recipe for cream cheese frosting. I have to wait on that for now since I don't have a sifter and husband is picking one up at the store now. They smell wonderful and the texture of the batter looks like silk. I can't believe I have waited this long to try to make them. It was SO easy! I might have to start experimenting with more complex flavors and fillings. My ultimate goal--chocolate mocha cupcake with caramel filling. Also high on the list, but a bit easier are chocolate mint cupcakes.

I took some pictures of the process:

Dry Ingredients

Wet Ingredients

Milk and Vanilla

Silky Smooth

About to be baked

All Frosted and ready to eat
(although I ate two right out of the oven)

Meanwhile, batch one has finished and cooled for about 5 minutes. Here it goes.....

(aren't you jealous? Can't you just smell the rich chocolaty goodness in the air?)

DAVINE! HOLY. COW. Why have I waited so long?! These are amazing. The taste is incredible. The mini chips add such a wonderful element to the cake in every bite. I don't even miss the frosting. I don't think I can ever use boxed cake mix ever again. It would just be cruel to the taste buds.

(Excuse me while I finish licking my fingers and have a moment alone with the rest of the pan.)

Ok. Self control has to take over sometime, right? Only two out of this batch didn't survive for now. That's pretty good considering I have not had lunch and I'm starving, sick and craving chocolate.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1/101 -- Make 101 Goal List

As this is my first goal, it's fitting it is my first post. You may think it's simple to come up with 101 goals, but it took some time for me. I wanted them to be things that I have wanted to do for some time and just have not had time to do, or just simply have not done. So many times I have thought "I would really love to do X". Or "one day, I'm going to do____". I have taken a lot of these wishes and thoughts and put them in writing and started the challenge. I would love to complete all of these things, but I know realistically there will be a few left unmet. But they are real, and tangible. I (WE aka my family) just have to actually commit to doing them. Some I can do alone, some require the entire family and the help of friends. I hope to find some new found drive, hobbies, and things I enjoy in the process. Join me on my 1001 day journey.